Join us for the
Newman Ministry
2024 Awards Banquet
April 11, 2024

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You are invited to a special evening in Dallas, honoring individuals and organizations working tirelessly in the vineyard to keep Catholic young adults connected to their faith.

Featuring musical entertainment by Josh Weathers.

An X, used to hide the modal window.

We connect students so their faith thrives in college and beyond.


Connecting Students

Did you know that over 80% of students stop practicing the faith in college? We are changing this statistic.

Since 2009, our longest running program, High School Outreach, has connected over 600,000 students to a campus ministry. With endorsements in 110+ dioceses across the country, we ensure every college-bound student stay connected to their faith.

Learn more about High School Outreach
Two girls smile while holding phones.

Building STRONGER 

Students want to be apart of a community that is thriving, not one that is stagnant or where they can't relate to anyone. Our First90 program is the solution.

First90 is the first of it's kind, ministry leader training program that helps students transition smoothly into college life by building up their leader and soon to be community. Through personalized support, students can keep their faith strong and navigate the challenges of this new environment with confidence.

Learn more about First90 today
A guy smiles on a church chair while holding a hymnal.

SUpporting Campus MinistERS

Get the support you need to lead your ministry with confidence and clear direction.

Through our cohort program—First90, digital community and resources, we offer services that inspire confident leadership in campus ministers.

Learn more about our campus minister services